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You can contact the team of the registrar by email, submitting a request via ESSEC Registrar platform.

Alternating remote work and on-site work, we also organize meetings via Googlemeet.

Thank you for your understanding.

Evelyne Nickel, Registrar



The main activities of ESSEC Office of the Registrar include

  • your administrative enrollment,

  • your tuition fees,

  • financial aid, ESSEC grants, French State scholarships,

  • bank loans in partnership with Cergy-based agencies,

  • US, Canadian, Prodigy Finance loans,

  • assistance for formalities required from non French, no European Union students by the French government related to entry visa, residence permit, work permit. 


We also liaise between you and ESSEC departments such as Academic Affairs, Career Service or Student Accounting or external organizations such as French Social Security, CROUS, Campus France, etc.

We provide counselling on day-to-day life needs such as health coverage, international insurance.

We invite you to browse through our site, consult our base of about 400 articles posted in FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) by typing the key words of your choice.


2 ways to use your ISIC - ESSEC international student card :

1. your laminated card that you'll have all along your study period at ESSEC Business School and for your exams.

2. your virtual card using the ISIC App on your smartphone. 


Branch in Cergy

ESSEC Partner 

for student loans

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Besoin d'un stage, N'hésitez pas à consulter l'offre de notre partenaire 


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