Welcome to ESSEC Business School
Thank you for completing your enrollment at ESSEC. You are now getting ready to start your studies.
The Office of the Registrar will assist you prior to and during the Welcome Days, from 21 August onwards, so as to answer questions related to school administrative matters or French entry visa and residence permit issues.
See more here.

Prêt bancaire sans garant pour résidants français, ou avec garant en France - Contacter / Contacter les banques partenaires à Cergy et voir leurs conditions exceptionnelles pour les étudiants ESSEC.
Prêt Egalité des Chances à taux préférentiel pour étudiants de la Grande Ecole
Contribution Vie Etudiante et Campus (CVEC) - Une contribution obligatoire à régler directement au CROUS

Did you know ?
International students make up over a third of all those studying at the Cergy Campus, with 96 countries currently represented
Opening a French bank account will facilitate your day to day life and may be requested for your residence permit renewal